vineri, 16 mai 2008

O Rezolutie interesanta a Camerei Reprezentantilor din Congresul SUA

In contextul discutiilor referitoare la semnarea unui acord de frontiera dintre Romania si Republica Moldova, gasesem recent un document din anul 1999 al Congresului SUA (textul se afiseaza mai jos) ce se referea la sustinerea aderarii Romaniei la NATO. Interesant este ca in unul din punctele Rezolutiei se face referinta la necesitatea elaborarii, semnarii si ratificarii cit mai curinde a unui acord privind frontiera de stat cu Republica Moldova.

SUPPORT FOR ROMANIA, H. CON. RES. 169 -- HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN (Extensions of Remarks - August 02, 1999)[Page: E1718]
Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, House Concurrent Resolution 169 outlines our United States foreign policy towards Romania, recognizes the strides Romania has taken in economic and political reforms since the end of the cold war, recognizes the steps Romania has taken to improve relations with its neighbors and to prepare itself for eventual integration into the pan-European and trans-Atlantic communities, and urges Romania forward in its reforms, despite its current economic difficulties.
Mr. Speaker, although Romania had taken reform-oriented steps early in this decade, the elections of November 1996, the first since 1937 that led to a peaceful transfer of power under a democratic system, provided a fresh opportunity to push reforms forward. These reforms undertaken in the midst of economic hardship made worse by corruption, criminal activities, and the disruptions in commerce in southeast Europe caused by international sanctions and military actions against neighboring Serbia, have a long way to go.
I believe, however, that it is important to encourage Romania to continue with its reforms. I also believe that it should be our policy to support Romania's eventual integration into pan-European and trans-Atlantic economic and security institutions. In this regard, I note that Romania was the very first country to join NATO's ``Partnership for Peace'' program and that it has spent most of this decade working to reform its military and adopt procedures for its military forces that are compatible with those of the NATO alliance.
Mr. Speaker, I strongly encourage my colleagues to support House Concurrent Resolution 169, an important statement of United States support for Romania, for its program of reforms, and for its eventual integration into the trans-Atlantic community. I submit that the text of H. Con. Res. 169 be inserted at this point in the RECORD.
H. CON. RES. 169
Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),
The Congress finds the following:
(1) Romania has negotiated, agreed to, and ratified an important bilateral treaty with the neighboring Republic of Hungary that recognizes the borders of those two countries and provides for the protection of the civil liberties of citizens who are members of national minorities.
(2) Romania has negotiated, agreed to, and ratified an important bilateral treaty with neighboring Ukraine that recognizes the borders of those two countries.
(3) The November 1996 electoral change in the Government of Romania was the first such change under a democratic political system in Romania since 1937.
(4) Romania was the first country to join the ``Partnership for Peace'' program of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in January 1994, has since become an active participant in that program, is a member of NATO's Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, and has stated its strong interest in admission into NATO and into the European Union.
(5) The Government of Romania has worked to ensure civilian control over its armed forces and has begun to implement military reform through force reductions, reorganization of officer ranks, and adoption of NATO-compatible procedures.
(6) Romania has provided military personnel for participation in and support of multinational peacekeeping operations.
(7) The Government of Romania has stated its continuing support for the mission of NATO in supporting democratization and stability across Europe.
It is the policy of the United States--
(1) to promote the development in Romania of a market-based economy and a democratic government that respects the rights of all of its citizens, regardless of ethnic background;
(2) to support the territorial integrity of Romania and to insist that the territorial integrity of Romania be respected by all neighboring countries and by all political movements within and outside Romania; and
(3) to support the integration of Romania into pan-European and trans-Atlantic economic and security institutions.
It is the sense of the Congress that--
(1) the United States should support efforts by Romania to integrate into pan-European and trans-Atlantic institutions and should view such integration as an important factor in consolidating democratic government in Romania;
(2) Romania is to be commended for its work to achieve bilateral treaties with the Republic of Hungary and Ukraine and the Government of Romania should now work expeditiously to negotiate, agree to, and ratify a bilateral treaty with the neighboring Republic of Moldova that recognizes the borders of those two countries;
(3) the Government of Romania should accelerate necessary economic reforms, particularly privatization of state-owned enterprises under a fair and transparent process [Page: E1719]
and privatization of the agricultural sector to include privatization of land and of major agri-business enterprises;
(4) the Government of Romania should, in a concrete manner, address corrupt and criminal activities at all levels;
(5) the United States should undertake to assist Romania to address the costs of disruptions in commerce in southeastern Europe caused by the conflict in neighboring Serbia; and
(6) the United States should join other official creditors of Romania in providing Romania with relief from such official debt through rescheduling and, where appropriate, forgiveness.