joi, 7 mai 2009

Discutii si iar discutii in Comitetul pentru Afaceri Externe al Parlamentului European

Pe data de 6 mai in cadrul Comitetului pentru Afaceri Externe a Parlamentului European au avut loc discutii pe marginea motiunii de rezolutie privind situatia din Republica Moldova. Aceste discutii au precedat dezbaterile din luna aprilie, la care au fost invitati doar reprezentantii opozitiei. Din partea RM au participat Gigore Petrenco, Iurie Leanca, Mihai Ghimpu, Veceslav Untila.
In problematica RM au fost inaintate 6 proiecte de motiuni de rezolutie, iar in urma discutiilor din 6 mai, au fost comasate in una, de baza fiind luat proiectul propus de PPE. Grigore Petrenco, care este si co-presedinte al comitetul parlamentar de cooperare UE-RM a adresat o declaratie scrisa si nu a participat la discutiile din cadrul sedintei Comitetului pentru Afaceri Externe.
Mai jos este textul declaratiei.

To: Marianne Mikko, Co-chair of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee
Copy: President of the European Parliament
Copy: Chairman Foreign Affairs Committee European Parliament

Dear collegues,

We welcome the fact that the European Parliament attaches a great attention to the post electoral situation in the Republic of Moldova. As you know the parliamentary elections on April 5 have been recognized by the international community as democratic and complying to the international standards. More over, the European Parliament was represented in the monitoring mission by a number of MEPs, who undersigned the preliminary report on the results of the parliamentary elections.
The protests and the violence that happened shortly after the parliamentary elections are nothing else but a direct attack on the democracy in Moldova and threaten the ongoing democratization process in my country. I should mention that the violence came out as a result of the instigating appeals launched by some leaders of the opposition parties. At the same time I state that the Law enforcement institutions did not apply force against the protesters in order to avoid victims and bloodshed. Moreover many representatives of the police forces were injured by the stones thrown on them by protesters.
The draft of the motion for resolution on the situation in Moldova brings heavy and baseless accusations to the constitutional authorities of the country and does not contribute to the improvement of the political climate in Moldova. This document is an insult to the people of Moldova who have chosen the European integration and democracy as strategic goals of their country.
It should be mentioned that the members of the Moldovan delegation in the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee as well as the representatives of the ruling party were not invited to the hearings in the European Parliament on April 23. PCRM representative’s participation in the today’s debates is a decorative one, given that the motion for a resolution was already agreed before the meeting. Moreover, the position of the constitutional authorities is not taken into account in the draft of the motion for resolution. I have to notice with regret that the draft of the motion for a resolution of the European Parliament addresses the situation in my country in a unilateral manner.
In this circumstances, I express my deep regret and displeasure with this situation and consider useless to further take part in the discussions in this meeting.

Grigore Petrenco,
Co-chair of the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee